My daughter woke this morning at about 6:30. Mommy is not much of a morning person, but I thought since I'm now awake and she's babbling with little hope of falling back asleep, why not go out to our favorite photo studio where mommy can't figure out the lighting and give morning light a whirl? Off to the backyard we went, dressed in our cute red white and black (I thought it was blue when I bought it- guess I have to go find another dress for tomorrow. Darn, that means shopping. How sad.) Most of my shots were utter failures. I put her in direct sunlight first- she couldn't even look at the camera. Not a good thing. So I pulled her forward into the shade a bit, but there were still bits of sun peeking through, so that looked silly.
This first shot was what made me realize I needed to change my ISO again- sadly, it turned out to be one of the better pictures, focus and composition wise. Thank goodness for editing software. The first shot below is straight off the camera, f5.6, ISO 200, SS 1/400s. The second is brightened, tweaked for contrast, saturation (obviously) and color into what I think is a nice looking B&W, and the third is again played around with in editing, but with color this time. Now I just need to figure out how to get my pictures to come off the camera looking good. :(
This shot was again, just for fun, fiddling around when DS had the neighbor friends stay the night and camp out in the backyard- his buddy Patrick took two flashlights and twirled them around his body, this being the result. f/4, SS 4s, ISO 1600. I think if I tried this again, I'd actually bump the ISO down a bit to get less of the background lit and maybe have things be less grainy and slightly more in focus.
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